Writers In Charge, previously known as YoungPrePro, is one of TechAtLast contest sponsors for this year. They engage in creative content creation services.
When it comes to the internet, everything that surrounds it is one single word “content”. If you don’t write good contents on your website, chances are that you might lose large percentage of your efforts into the hands of your competitors.
There are lots of people out there (bloggers like you) who are working earnestly to make sure that they chase you away from the top of the ladder all because you didn’t write more on your blog. And to write frequently on your blog, you need to know the basic skills of writing great and awesome contents. But, getting the right platform to learn how to write is a big challenge for many people and that is why YoungPrePro is there to help you out with some great teachings from the youngest millionaire, Onibalusi Bamidele – a Nigerian based youngest blogger and millionaire, making money online right from the front of his computer.

Writers In Charge blog is among the blogs that sponsors Techatlast Contest for 2012 because we’ve promised to review our sponsors’ businesses week before we announce the contest winners.


YoungPrePro is a technical writing and teaching blog on showing bloggers and online job seekers how to write great contents for the internet world, the WWW family.

Since content is the king, some bloggers and SEO companies have been spending a lot of money on contents for the past few years in order to stay on top of search engine ranking pages for the respective keywords they are aiming at. Even most of these SEO companies are relying on the great benefit of using guest posts to rank better simply by hiring content writers to help them write great contents for the sake of using them as guest posts on some popular blogs in return for traffic and backlinks.

Because of this, the owner of YoungPrePro, Onibalusi Bamidele has been able to harness the opportunity, making a lot of money writing for big clients who are ready to pay him huge amount of money as a guest poster all because he has the skills they wants. At least, he’s making huge amount of cash on daily basis – the amount which many were struggling a lot before they could realise working day and night for a whole week. I really thank God for myself as well because I’ve been able to realized a lot from Guest Posting services, both as a writer and blogger, but I think his story is a case-study for anyone seriously interested in making money from home.

Writers In Charge - Get Paid to Write for Websites and Magazines

Let’s leave that for you to checkout by yourself simply by heading over to YoungPrePro to read more on how to write online and make money from your writing skills.

Learn how to write good and interesting articles for your blog and clients and start making millions of money into your bank account right from this very moment.

Use these links to stay up to date with YoungPrePro on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

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