Is residual income lifestyle achievable for everybody?
I was asked this tricky question a while ago during my trip across the country. As I was trying to ruminate over it, I discovered a post by a friend of mine which further inspired my curiosity on the subject. I’m going to detailed three guidelines for enjoying a residual income lifestyle by stating three laws binding it.
I know my people, and indeed, they do know me! The secret of residual income lifestyle is simple.
I can summarize it in three steps;
- Help one person to be out of poverty (at least in your lifetime).
- Train the same person to help out another out of poverty.
- Rinse and repeat the process again and again.

1. Help one friend or stranger to live above the fold
Living above the fold is the goal of everyone. We, all, want to be financially safe and buoyant. Nobody wants to depend on another being for livelihood. But at times, life drama can change the course of the game and set you on an entirely different path of life. In this kind of time, there’s need for one special somebody (an helper of destiny) to locate and bring you back home.
You can relate to this. Someone might have lifted you up at least for once in your life. Such is an helper of destiny.
But my concern is, when are you going to step up to the calling of becoming an helper of destiny to someone else?
Until someone can say you are the reason they are where they are today – you haven’t really lived.
Help someone to be financially free through your wealth of knowledge, financial support, or advice and you’ll soon join the rank of achievers. Then residual income will flow in from South to the North and West to the East at their own accords. They deserve to enjoy a residual income lifestyle like you do.
2. Train the same person to help out another one person out of poverty.
There is nothing as good as duplication in this world. Be it in business, ministry or marriage. Whatever you are doing, until you could count one or two people who has been inspired by you to do likewise, you haven’t actually started anything.
When you’ve helped someone out of improverished situation, what is needed of you is to task the same responsibility on them to give back.
Giving back this time isn’t in kind to you but unto others who are like them when you helped them up.
By doing this, you are building an army of life changers for yourself who can stand up to be counted for positively impacting their generation.
Residual income lifestyle is possible if only you could dare to change the course of history for those who couldn’t have the opportunity you’ve had.
3. Rinse and repeat the process again and again.
True success is all about consistent efforts put together to bring about positive change to bad situations in our world. And you can’t keep positive attitude without consistent and deliberate actions towards it. When you’ve achieved level one and two, what is expected of you is to rinse and repeat the process. Keep doing this with another set of people till the almighty God calls you back home.
After some weeks, or months, you’ll be singled out for changing people’s stories and adding value.
You don’t need to be a multimillionaire to help others in dire needs of your help (it could be your network marketing business opportunity or a little form of an advice), just start with what is in your available at your disposal.
Seize the moment to be a different source of value to your community and environment.
Don’t leave people the same way you met them, leave them for good sake and build good relationship along the journey.
With this, you could wake up one day and measure your net worth to be in trillions because indeed, YOUR NETWORK IS YOUR NET WORTH.

Take time to build your network so you could improve your net worth pretty well.
We can erase poverty off the face of the earth one man at a time. Let’s go tell the world that we’ve got a better way to make that happen.
PS: I’ve got some great news coming up in couple of days from now. Stay glued to this space.
– Olawale Daniel
(Dr. Residual)