Committed to Showing Nigerians Ways to Make Real Money from the World Wide Web (Internet)
At this time of turmoil, everything seems to be going downward instead of upward curve, many people are left with nothing to cater for their family members – and the situations kept on going bad on daily basis.
There are no more top jobs securities here and there as it used to be in the past when the economy was still blossoming in our Oil’s money due to the fact the people at high places in the country have abused most of these opportunities just for their family’s sake.
The big player are now making use of this present economy mishap to get more money for their selves and their family member while leaving the less privileged Nigerians to work things out for themselves.
Currently, it is only God who can cause this country to go back to its glorious days of abundance and joy which we used to experience back then – that should be the dream of all of us now.
The Boko Harams and the Niger Delta guys are there. They are making more families to cry over their loved ones everyday and the big belly Nigerians are not concerned whether you eat or not.
No more magic to happen after all, we just need God to work wonders again.
Nigerians! Are you ready to embrace internet to make money to help yourselves and your family members?
If you want to reach a goal, you must “see the reaching” in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal. – Zig Ziglar
If you answer yes to that question, I congratulate you because this is the kind of eye-opening opportunity you’ve been searching for, for a very long time ago – that is the best ever decision you would ever make.
And it is now available for you to make use of, and get the result fast, so that you can stop complaining about the present situation of this country and focus on the reality of life.
Nigeria will become a better nation when everyone of us starts to work things out for ourselves and never depends on Government policies anymore.
The People’s Republic of China have done something similar to this in their country, and it worked for them, and I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t do the same and change our country for our future children.
How to Really Make Money Online as a Nigerian
You cannot tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations. Zig Ziglar
Some Nigerian citizens have been duped by the other Nigerian citizens (in the past history of making money from the internet in this country because they want to make money online) due to lack of knowledge of how these things really work.
Many of these peoples have searched for ways to make money online and then ended up into the hands of the hungry info-product marketers; who are only looking for ways to get rid of their hard-earned nairas.
I keep getting loads of emails from Nigerians asking me ways to make money online, not in the way the so-called Nigerian info-product marketers have taught them. And I cannot help their situations than to show them how to really make money from the internet without being duped again by any fake marketers.
Money won’t make you happy… but everybody wants to find out for themselves. – Zig Ziglar
Why on earth will you collect money from someone without offering your service to the fullest of your power?
It is a bad karma for anyone who engages in this type of business in this great country and you should know that these bad experiences always add up to the current problem of these peoples that you are scamming.
“Nigerian marketers, kindly stop doing this for God’s sake to help others who are really in needs and God will be with you, let’s change this country.”
Enough of words on Nigerian marketers scamming others to make money without services; let’s get started and focus on making money by ourselves as a Nigerian on the internet without much hassle again.
5 Ways to Make Money Online as a Nigerian (Free Tutorial Course):
This short piece covers ways you can make real money from the internet while you are doing what I shall be teaching you inside this helpful guide. So, here below are the topics we shall be learning about.
- Starting a New Blog on Hot Niche
- Offering Guest Blogging Services
- Affiliate Marketing on less competitive platform
- Selling Your Pictures Online to Photo Companies
- Offering Your Personal Professional Services
- Do’s and Don’ts: Advices and tips to Follow for Success
- Meet the Writer for Help
But, Who Are You to Show me How to Make Money Online?
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar
Mind you asked that? I know you may have the thinking of knowing who truly I am, to be courageous in writing articles on how YOU can make money from the internet, even while you haven’t heard of me before making a single penny from the internet in your national dailies as many others out there does.
Don’t worry; you are not alone in this kind of condition.
I’ve also did the same thing some years ago when I was scammed as well. That was when I was looking for ways to make things work for myself online, and got scammed by these so-called marketers as well as have just experienced which makes you to be curious to know about me.
But, that bad experience have helped me to think twice and started doing things the right way by myself, even till now that I’m able to generate countless dollars from the internet legally anytime I want.
My names are Olawale Daniel Tayo. I’m a Nigerian like you. I’m a blogger and writer by profession. I owned several web projects and blogs on the internet and few of them are TechAtLast, BadooMusic!, Search4Mobile, VumMedia and Fodatic. And as at the time of writing this, I’m still in my mid-twenties, making endless money from the internet non-stop, because I’m doing what I love to do most – which is among the secrets I’m about to teach how to do as well in this write up-cum-ebook report.
I’d have charged something for this information, but I don’t need your money now – I’m sorry to say this but I’m dead-serious. All I want is your determination to change your situation.
Presently, I owned more than 10 blogs on the internet which,, and happened to be among. “These blogs are generating more income for me (both in Naira and Dollars) than what a normal bank or Oil company job could generate for me per month in Nigeria within a week.”
I’m not being boastful at all, but, I’m just trying to let you see the possibilities of making money on the internet with little works involved – don’t misunderstand me, you will work hard before getting money from the internet oooo!
I do not mean you are gonna start making money immediately you start with little efforts – you gotta work hard and then relax for money to come J
So, this article is not about selling anything to you because, I currently had neither product nor service to render to you for now, than to teach you this simple technique that would keep on making you regular income from the internet forever.
Although, if you come to conclusion that you still need to learn some things from me afterward; I’m ready to show you the way.
But, it is not about me, but basically about your well being!
5 Dead-Simple and Tested Steps and Techniques to Help You Make Regular Income Online as Nigeria Citizens….forget PayPal!!!
1. Starting a New Blog on Hot Niche
You can make money online blogging your way to the top! You don’t have to be scammed on and on in your attempts to become financial independent online by the so-called “marketers” who have nothing to show for what they preached about than a fake Photoshop-ed screenshots of earnings with no great impact on their personal lives.
Start your new blog on a topic that many people worldwide are querying Google search engine for everyday. There are countless numbers of keywords that you can rank for on Google for regular traffic.
To know which keyword you can start your blog on, simply make use of Google Trends to check what people were searching for, or talking about that relates to what interests you. And then use Google Adwords Keyword Research Tool for perfect keywords that relates with your website main focus point (USP) in order to get highly targeted traffic.
I did forget to tell you this before? That you need traffic before your blog can become successful (that is when you will begin to make money from it on regular basis). A blog with no traffic (visitor) will amount to nought at the end of the month – don’t let your site have such a trait.
The truth is; you wouldn’t earn a single penny the first month that you start your blog; neither will you expect some thousands of dollars in the third month, so don’t let anyone fool you mainly because of your hard earned money.
But the good news is that you can start making money after the third month of your blogging practice if only you do the right thing at the right time.
You have to sacrifice your time in writing articles and few dollars (around #1,200 naira or $7 per month) for hosting your website online.
How can that possible?
Don’t worry! I shall surely reveal to you where to get your website hosting account setup for you without the need of having PayPal account to make payment.
Click here for other PayPal alternatives if you are desperate to make online payment with no option.
With just $6.99 per month, you can get an unlimited web hosting account setup for you from SecureSignup with an option to pay with your Liberty Reserve account, which means, you are no more going to complain about Hostgator or other hosting companies rejecting Nigerian issued MasterCard and some other related complaints.
Update!!! Liberty Reserve has been seized by the United States government and that means, the service is dead for the best!
But the truth there is if you want to start a standard blog that is going to stand the test of time, you should consider HostGator or BlueHost Web hosting package from the beginning of your blog.
You can easily apply for Credit card from Payoneer to use for hosting your website on HostGator by reading this post here to apply and get the card. It talks about the simpler way to apply for and get a standard MasterCard online for free.
And if you want to sign up for HostGator hosting account, you can easily get started for just $4.44 per month.
How to Setup Your Blog (WordPress)
After setting up your hosting account from your hosting company, the next thing is to install the platform you want to be use for your blog to start working fully. If you need help on how to go about installing your WordPress blog, you can contact me for help and guidance on this.
And before that, you must have researched about the niche and topic that you wanted to be blogging about just as I’ve said earlier; be it gadget, technology, make money online, financing or health niche – you just have to do that before choosing the domain name for your blog.
And good news! SecureSignup will give you free one year domain registration when you buy hosting service with them, so you don’t have anything to worry about than paying only $6.99 for you hosting account every month – and you can as well pay for full one year hosting, or three and six month plan in advance – I don’t highly recommend SecureSignup because I have just moved my blogs from them due to lack of good customer support and downtime.
But if you are interested in getting started with the new hosting company I’m using, such as HostGator, you can use this coupon code here for getting hosting account setup for just $1, the first month.
So, assume you have done all these things, then what next is to start writing good and quality contents on your website all the time for it to grow.
How to Promote Your Blog for Traffic
After getting your blog setup for you either by your hosting company or any other means, and by that time, you must have started writing articles (contents) on it; the next thing you are required to do is to market or promote it.
You need to promote your blog so that search engine spiders can easily index the contents and send traffic to its contents when people searches for keywords related to them on Google.
In the course of promoting your blog, that is where you can be sure of getting more people to know what you are offering on your website.
Here are the sure-fire methods to get people coming to your blog on regular basis:
1. On-Page Search Engine Optimization –optimizing your contents for search engines. This technique is somehow the most easiest methods of getting search engines spiders to crawl your website’s content for it to get indexed for better search position on search engine pages. You can read Onibalusi Bamidele of YoungPrePro article on Search Engine Optimization for guidelines on how to optimize your content before publishing it for search engines to send visitors to it. As well, you can head over to my SEO page for some articles on search engine optimization.
2. Guest Posting on Other Blogs – building quality backlinks on regular basis through guest posting on other blogs related to your niche. You will write articles for other websites and put a short description at the end of it with an anchor text to your website as a backlink like my anchor text above.
3. Blog Commenting – commenting on other blog’s posts to get backlinks to your website. But you must not abuse this technique with low quality comments.
4. Directory submission of your website links – submitting your website to directories for backlinks
5. Social media marketing participation – engaging in sharing your website with your followers on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
How to Make Money from Your Blog
To make money from your blog is very simple, like what I said earlier on, that traffic is the major thing that you need before you can make money from your website. When your website starts to get good daily visitors, you can lookout for sponsors to put banners on your blog for money.
Likewise, you can as well use Google Adsense on your blog to make money from the visitors coming to read your articles – when they click the Google Adsense ads, you will get paid by Google and your check will be sent to you at the end of the month which you can collect from any bank in Nigeria here.
Also, advertising companies could also come up to you asking for contextual links inside your blog post for a certain amounts of money.
Ways to make money from your blog are many and I can tell you personally that you will enjoy the process as you get started. But to make the process easier, read this post that tells you How to Make Money from Your Blog in Simple-to-Understand English.
2. Offering Guest Blogging Services
Nigerians can also make money online effortlessly by engaging in guest blogging services for clients. This is one of my main income generation techniques for year’s times now, because I make money on regular basis writing guest posts for my clients.
But before you can get along with this method, you need to have an office online or a proof of recent working experience before you can get client to hire you.
The office in this sense means your website or blog which you will give your clients sign that you are a serious writer.
You’ll need a proof of recent works to get clients to hire you.
What I mean in this sense is that, there must have been a successful guest posts published on other blogs by you before any clients can hire you.
They would certainly ask you for your past published guest postswhich they would gothrough before they could be convinced of hiring you to work for their company.
But, in order to make it easier for yourself, you just have to start your own blog and start guest posting on other blogs for it to rank it well on search engines, as this will gives you upper hand over your competitors when clients are checking your track records.
Each client can offer you around $30-$200 per one single post depending on your writing and negotiation skills, and you can get your earnings directly to your Nigerian bank account without PayPal or others.
Where You Can Get Guest Posting Services:
ProBlogger Jobs Board: This is presently the best and perfect means of getting good jobs. This platform was mainly created by Darren Rowse of for the sake of bloggers who are looking for jobs opportunities and companies looking for bloggers and writers to hire. So, it is my best bet that you can get good client from this place if you are consistent there and have good record of past guest posting services. I have been able to get some guest posting works from this platform alone during last year and this year alone. And they are paying me heavily for my skills.
Online Forums:
This is another method of getting guest posting services from the internet. There are many forums out there where you can visit to get guest posting service clients. To know which forum to visit, you can conduct a Google keyword research for these sets of keywords:
Forum + Guest posting services
Hire guest posters + forum
Forum + need guest posters
Allinurl: guest posters needed
Allinurl: hire guest posters
When you are able to figure out forums that offer this service, then you can register and post your profile information and track records for your possible clients to read before contacting you for work.
And the good thing here is that, if you are conversant with some of these forums, getting good client with good terms and conditions won’t be that difficult except you are lazy about it.
Your Own Personal Blog (create your own blog or website):
Your blog can also serve as a better platform for getting good clients to work for as a guest poster. Like what I have said earlier on, if you have a blog or website, it means you have had an online office, so getting people who loves what you are doing won’t be that difficult. All you need to do is, to create a HIRE ME page on your website and tell people to hire you for different types of services that you can render for them.
But, you must take note of this; such page on your website is like your showroom; so you need to stuff it with all the information that your potential prospects needs to know before contacting you for contract.
If all you need to convince the person is your past work experiences and some other samples of your previous works, you should add those information there as a proof of your skills.
If you need to accompany that information with your personal information, do that. You must know that your potential client needs to know where you are located; which country and the part of the world. So don’t try to “Fake It before You Make It” as many others have done which costs them their online presence.
3. Affiliate Marketing on less competitive platform
Affiliate marketing for years has been one of the best methods that some Nigerians are making use of to make money online. But, the problem is, they are doing it through the backdoor – using Clickbank with foreign addresses and some other things related to that.
Think of an instance where you will make money and wouldn’t be able to collect your earnings, isn’t that a painful thing? Surely, it is very painful to make money and not being able to cash it.
So, that is why I will recommend you to go through platforms that accept Nigerians directly.
Commission Junction and PayDotCom and some other affiliate marketing platforms out there accept Nigerians and they can as well send you direct checks to your Nigerian home address.
That means you don’t need to worry much on how you can make money when I’ve already offered you about five ways you can use to make money effortlessly all the time.
You can quickly research on Google for these keywords to get to know more information on where you can get started from:
- £ Affiliate marketing + Nigerians
- £ Affiliate marketers + Nigeria accepted
- £ Affiliate marketing site accepting + Nigerians
- £ Affiliate marketing “Nigeria”
- £ Nigerians “Affiliate Marketing”
And you will get lots of them who can pay directly to Nigerian when you do become their affiliates, you can subscribe to my website email list to get lists of these companies for free.
4. Selling Your Pictures Online to Photo Companies
Do you know that companies are paying people online to submit images to their websites? You can become rich uploading images to websites online. This is not like what the so-called marketers have told you before.
This is a new and working method of making money online without hassle. You can now make money online by uploading your stock photos to websites such as and some others online.
To get started in this business, you will need to do your personal research on which platform is the best because I haven’t had much time to use them but the model really works.
As you all know, I only recommend the service that I have used myself, not those ones prescribed to me by a friends or someone else.
Hope you’re okay with me for not giving exact website for this?
Though, I still have a resourceful post on my blog which can be useful in showing you some of those websites and how they work. It is accessible here.
5. Offering Your Personal Professional Services
You can offer professional services online and get paid handsomely for your efforts. I know of few Nigerians who are making it big in this area. You could be the next superstar just by horning your skills to bless people around the world and get paid for your time.
Services such as:
- € Website designing
- € Graphic design
- € General writing services
- € Proofreading
- € Guest Posting Services
- € Video Creation
- € Software Programming
- € Application Development (iPhone app, Android App or Mobile apps)
- € SEO/SEM services for companies and individuals
Some platforms where YOU can get clients for these jobs are: – Nigerians can treasure here but there aren’t good jobs offer there. – this website accepts Nigerians to do business on their platform and you can make money simply by offering your services. They offer a Payooner MasterCard for everyone using the platform when you are ready to collect your fee and the platform is highly secured. You can get loads of job offers from the site when people posts job offers.
You should check my post here where I explained how you can apply for Payoneer Credit Card from Odesk – that’s what you are going to use for collecting your earnings from the site and you can apply for the card easily from Odesk with my guide here. – Guru accepts Nigerian as well but it is not that good for Nigerians. – it is a platform for those with online credit cards along with PayPal for payment. But all the works on this platform only costs $5. You can also hire people to work for you at $5 as well.
One secret I could share with you concerning these platforms is that, people are poorly paid except you have plenty of skills – especially skills like software programming or coding. If you depend solely on making money from these platforms, chances are that you might end up not making much for lots of works.
So, how do I go about it?
If you want to make money consistently with these skills and creativity, what you need to do is to have your own personal website showcasing everything you can do for your clients. You can as well list your website on these platform for them to know that you are a professional in that field – that alone could bring more clients who are willing to pay more than what they’re paying others on the platform.
After that you should do the following things below to get started:
1. Create a facebook page for your business.
You will have to create a business page for your company with the name of your brand in order to put your name on the net. That is where you can monetize your service by prompting majority of your friends to like your page. After doing that, you can then start showcasing all of your latest designs or recent works done by you or your company for clients. And from there you can get loads of people, companies asking you for services if the skill in a high sought-skill. To learn more on creating Facebook pages, you can read this article on my blog for guidelines.
2. Create a Twitter account for your business.
This is like that of Facebook; you will create new account in the name of your company and ask your friends to join your twitter business page. Once they follow your page, and then is the time for you to follow them back. And not only them, you can follow as many other businesses relating to your business model. Immediately you finished adding people to your following list, then you can start relating with as many people by; tweeting, retweeting to let people see you as an expert in that field that you are talking about. That’s the secret of marketing through twitter.
3. Create a Google+ account for your business from your Google account.
Google offers you an ability to create a branded page for your business on its platform for marketing your business and you can make use of that opportunity. And another benefit here is that, having a Google Business page would help you have good search engine presence because that platform is being influenced by Google search. It means, when people are searching for information that pertains to what you have on your Google+ page, it will bring the first results from your business page before showing some blog posts about the keywords on other blogs. To create a Google+ page, follow the steps as stated in the post here.
Using these techniques, you will be able to build your brand on three of the most popular social media site. And after this, you will begin to make more money from your social platform because clients will surely see your brand online and you will also go far with a presence of your website along the line.
6. Do’s and Don’ts: Advice and Tips to follow
You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure. Zig Ziglar
As you have seen, I’m sharing what I know about making money online with you. It is now left on you to take action simply by practising some of the things I have mentioned in this guide. But follow these tips and advices if you want to make the best out of this guide.
Don’t Attempt to do everything at once (failure is looming if you do).
I do not mean you must do everything because that is where many missed it. Pick one and starts with it, then when you become a success or an expert in doing it – then go for another technique and on and on. If you can become a success writing guest posts for companies, you can as well start blogging on your personal website.
However, remember that you must do one after the other.
Don’t Expect Result This Month or Next Three Months.
I know that no one would love to work for a month without anything to show for it. But, the truth is, you have to build your business from ground up and during the process of building it, you would face some challenges that might prove to be too hard for you to cope with without result. Just forget the money in the first month and the second month and focus on getting the business working. After which your business becomes a success; that is when you can be sure of expecting money to come from the medium.
If you don’t think of making money this month or next month, you will be more focused at reaching your goal than expecting something without an actualization of it.
I started my blog, with the aim of helping people and not because I heard people are making hell lots of money online. And the funny thing is, it took me six months before I start to make money from the site.
Don’t start if you won’t end it.
Just like a quote I read of recent while I was contemplating about dropping out of University of Ibadan or staying for more three years to finish my BSc., I came across a quote that explains why I must always end whatever I started or else, I shouldn’t have started if I’m not yet ready for the challenges.
I do not mean to put fear in you but what I’m trying to say is, you must be ready for the challenges ahead. I had seen someone who fired his boss in order to start his dream internet business, to quit few weeks after due to lack of funding.
Unfortunately, taking the risk doesn’t always worth it if you’re not the type that plan ahead before jumping into the water. Internet business will click for you, only if, you plan very well before you launch out. Don’t sack your boss if you are not yet ready to face your uphill task.
“You can still keep your current job on and still work online at your desired time, while you make money online on part time base.”
And when you’ve amassed enough, you could then quit your job for the best of your online business success. I wish you great success!
Olawale Daniel
(Writer, Blogger and Successful Businessman)
Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Google+
Although Google adsense is one of the best program but it’s cpc is continuously degrading and that is somewhat disgruntled for me Hence I am looking for affiliate marketing which is far more better than that of adsense.
“First off, I hate adsense. I know, I’m weird…
From your list I’ve only heard of Chitika and Infolinks. I’ve never used either and I really hate visiting those blogs where the links are hyperlinked and I barely move over them and I’m being taken to some advertisement. I seriously find it very hard to believe that people really make any decent money through these services.
I appreciate you giving us your honest opinion though on these so thank you for that. I enjoy reading posts like this where you’ve given services a real go and sharing your results with us. That I appreciate so much.
Moses, thank you for coming around.
I am glad you share your feelings about these ways to make money online as a Nigerian.
I do know you are not a Nigerian but you enjoy learning from us. That’s encouraging. 🙂
I don’t like Google Adsense either, but I had to use it sometimes back when I just got started blogging.
Today, there are many alternatives!
And you can as well get paid directly by sponsors on your website.
Lots of options today than then when I wrote this post.
I will probably update this post with new ways Nigerians can make money online in couple of weeks to come.
Thanks once again Moses. 🙂
My adsense account earnings has not approved. I do not know the reason behind that issue. However, because of this post i will try chitika. I think is a very good adsense alternatives.
Thanks for providing us ways to make money online from Nigeria
I am receiving a decent amount of traffic but not able bank it in a good manner because of Google dfp ctr issues. So i decided to use chitika along with google dfp. But to my surprise chitika is for no use. I got only 20 cents for 48 clicks. That is ridiculous.
Infolinks is better in some manners though.
@CoolCash4Live Hi Olawale these Four Free eBooks will really help you achieve success
Thank you Jones!