The Foolishness of Idle Resources – Olufemi Olumide
It was my first free Saturday in weeks, With over 70 webinar consulting sessions within the past 2 months as well as other outbound training sessions, I decided my Saturday would be for sleep, premiership catch up and laundry. While sorting some clothes I had not worn in a while, I had that incling to […]
Bleeding Crypto market shows sign of maturity
What can you say of Bitcoin price which has suddenly taken a nose dive and reverse angle towards the south? It is a bad thing, isn’t it? Naah, I think you are wrong and I will prove it to you. Imagine seven months ago when Bitcoin was still way below $4000, what did people had […]

Today, I will be sharing an update about a particular incident which took place last week between myself and a very popular hosting company in Nigeria. Yes, owing to its agressive advertisement budget on Google Adwords and Facebook Ads, the company can be classed as a popular web hosting company in Nigeria, even their website […]
2014 Message to all Team Leaders Across The World

Thank God we’re able to see the new year by His grace, and hoping this year will be better than any other year ever in our life history. Amen. New Year, Business Spirit Ignited! Our new year activities starts today. Kindly communicate directly with me via daniel at techatlast dot com if you have any […]
2014 is here, what are you up to?

Happy New Year!!! May the Lord help you to retrieve all the blessings he’s deposited into 2014. Do you have New Year Resolutions? One of my new year resolutions is to spend more time reading interesting books, and I have added great books into my online cart for immediate order to fast track the process. […]
Do You Really Have a Life Savings Account or Spending Account?

Do you really have a savings account or just a spending account? Savings account was originally designed to allow you save for the raining days or establish a business or embark on a capital project, but we have all lost the essence of it. Without savings, we can do little or nothing & we have […]