Be careful of TODAY!

Don’t listen to the lies of today; today will soon be gone. What you do about today is all that the world will remember you for.

Don’t be deceived that tomorrow is bright and beautiful until you take charge of what today has offered you.

Remember, tomorrow is in the book of the fools.

Procrastination is for the losers. Those who do it now have the whole world to their amusement.

Don’t be deceived, you’ll never have this day again my friend. So make today count.

Don’t live for someone else because You Only Live Once –  #YOLO.

If you aren’t aware, you have been gifted today, someone else is praying for same privilege. Make it count, or you miss out on other future opportunities.

The one who granted you today has higher expectations of your today, if you don’t make it count, you might not have tomorrow.

#YouMatter #2018 #MOSTWONTIWILL #ThinkMinority #Disruption #procrastination #justdoit #lifestyle #ValueAddedLife #LOA #NM

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