April-FULLNESS Is About To Begin, I Am Marching Out Excellently

If there’s something well attached to the fourth month of year, that gets people talking, April fool is. Every April of the year, people tend to prank on others…and not just people, corporate organizations occasionally do prank on their customers and users just to have more engagement and follow on the trend; April Fool. Moreover, we all are bunch of April foolers! 🙂

But before we begin to jump on the bandwagon of pranking our loved ones, business partners, and friends and family around the world. Lets think about March as a great month it was, and celebrate the MARCHADAYS that made the month unique likewise count our blessings while in anticipation for the APRIL-FULLNESS which we are about to switch on.

I wrote a post on the topic Marchadays; Celebrating Amazing People Born in the Month of March and I further on explain and gave people an understanding of the rarity and special abundance embedded in the month of March. You can follow the link to the article to enjoy the piece.

Today, I want to talk basically on APRIL-FULLNESS.

What does April stands for? Prank or what?

To you, I don’t know and I can never have a clue of what comes to your mind when the word April comes into mind. But I’m aware that April is well associated with pranks even to a limit where people hardly belive whatever you say to them the excitiment of April fool is switched on.

But to me, I personally have another dimension towards April as a month of the year.

April Fool is a combination of two powerful word; April and Fool.

If by definition, April is a month and could also be said to be someone’s name. The word Fool is meant to identify a name, an action such as pranking and deceiving someone else in the interest of the deceiver.

Fool: noun

1. A fool is a

person who acts unwisely or imprudently in all his ways; a silly person.

2. A fool can also be likened to a

jester or a clown, especially one retained in a royal household

By these two definition above, we can conclude that joining the word April+Clown will give us: April Clown. Same goes for April+Silly.

My wish and honest prayer for you goes thus; under no circumstances will you found yourself being a full or silly or clown of reality of this world in your life.

Some call it APRIL FOOL but I want to beg you otherwise to get familiarize yourself with month of April as thus;

A – Acceleration is inevitable. Accelerated success awaits you as a result of action towards fulfilment of your dreams.
P – Progression is certainly going to be yours. When you don’t give up on your dreams easily, progress from lower level to the next level of accomplishment and appreciation will catch-up with you.
R – Running with vision to reach the finish line. When the mandate (baton) to progress reaches your hand, what next? Yiu run with that vision in order to have series of progressive leap in your business, personal life and relationship.
I – Implementation of great ideas. Running with vision is all about implementation. If you don’t implement what you’ve learnt, success would be too far fetched. April is your month to execute. Don’t wait for May to do that. Let procrastination die with March.
L – Lead is unavoidable for doers. It is only those who’d settle for mediocrity which’d say leadership isn’t their kinda thing. Leadership is a big deal and we cannot run from it as humans. Leading as an example unto the next generation is one of the thing we were created for. April is a month filled with greater accomplishment for leaders of men.

This month shall be your month of FULLNESS. It shall be;

  • APRIL full of blessings.
  • APRIL full of good health.
  • APRIL full of favour.
  • APRIL full of mercy.
  • APRIL full of joy.
  • APRIL full of greatness.
  • APRIL full of abundance.
  • APRIL full of God’s goodness.
  • APRIL full of honor.
  • APRIL full of progress.
  • APRIL full of gainful and productive ideas.
  • APRIL full of God’s purpose for your life.
  • APRIL full of promotion.
  • APRIL full of God’s help.
  • APRIL full of fame.
  • APRIL full of financial breakthrough.
  • APRIL full of all goodies of life
  • APRIL full of a closer walk with God.

I want your April to end in April-fulness. For you to realize that, there’d be need for me to gear you up towards realizing the importance of spoken words in your life. What you say to yourself can mold you into becoming a reflection of your words.

“Tame your tongue and thoughts to your advantage. What you say or think about yourself will stick”

– Olawale Daniel

If April fool is all that you hear and care about, I wanna tell you today that you should scrap that. Starting from now, begin to hear and read about April-FULLNESS because your own month of April ain’t going down making you a fool at all.

You are going to hunt your dreams and achieve them, and for you to do that, you need to be in the fullness of your April. Month of April is a special month for dream chasers associates.

In closing, I’d like to charge you to own your April so it won’t end up making you a fool of your May because miracle awaits you.

I welcome you my friend and your entire family to the month of APRIL FULLNESS. ?

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